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Showing posts from January, 2011

Family of Origin work; it's hard stuff.

I am just weeks into my second to last term of grad school. This term in my advance practice class we are doing family of origin work. The idea is that we are exploring our family history and how it impacts the work we do. Hopefully, the goal is, as we move forward in our practice to be aware of where working with individuals may be hard and where we might experience transference and counter-transference. I am not sure why I thought it would be such a great idea to sign up to present first or why I chose to talk about Alzheimers, but I did. So this afternoon I am presenting my family genogram and talking about how Alzheimers has impacted my family. Below is the narrative I wrote to share with my peers. It's going to be a bit intense today around 1pm, so if you have some extra positive energy to send my way, I would truly appreciate it. “Alzheimer's is a brain disease that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.” As long as I can remember Alzheimers has been ...

whew! we survived 2010!!

I have to say I am really glad that 2011 has arrived. Last year, well it was a bit of a beast. I am ready for a fresh start and all the potential 2011 holds. I have been thinking a lot about what I would like to do this year and started a list. This is by no means exhaustive, but it's stuff that has been rolling around in my head for a while. Participate in the Oddfellows June Triathlon Graduate in June with my Masters in Social Work Be working full-time by the end of the year Continue working on my parenting skills Start a Step Parenting support group Sew something Read a book for pleasure Continue working on my communication skills Camping! Go to the beach Crater Lake Pay off a credit card Have comprehensive health insurance paid for by my employer Create community Get more in touch with my spiritual side Be more creative Take a class/workshop for pleasure Move my body daily Get my knee repaired! Go dancing Surprise myself Quit holding back I know there is more in me, but ...