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Blissful Bites #7

I must admit that this week, finding my moments of bliss have been hard. I have had to pay attention more, as to not miss them. Sometimes, weeks are just like that.

1) I have a great friend, that I am also fortunate enough to work with. Every morning we check in with each other for the first 10 minutes we are there. I have to say it's wonderfully blissful! It's 10 minutes of self-care every morning before we get too far into our day.

2) Kombucha. I forgot how much I loved it, until it was on sale this week and I bought a bottle for every day. So delicious and refreshing. Now I need to take a class to learn and make my own!

3) A new fridge. A friend is making changes in her life and liquidating her business, and we lucked out by getting a fridge for a great price!

What were your moments of bliss this week?


  1. Hi!

    I had the same kind of week as you, hard, but great bliss if you look hard enough :)

    I have to laugh because I'm drinking kombucha as I write this post...I love GT's 'Trilogy'...nom!

    Hope this week is filled with LOTS of bliss :) xox, Blair of The Turquoise Heart :)


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